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Bashaw RCMP encourages community to practice crime prevention through environmental design


Officers from the Bashaw RCMP detachment are encouraging the community to do it’s part in reducing crime by sharing tips to protect homes and businesses.

According to a release issued on April 12, design principles centred around Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) can make a home less desirable for criminals to target.

There are three ‘Ds’ of CPTED.

The first is delay.

By ensuring your home and business, and the contents therein, are secure, the criminals targeting those properties will be delayed in attempting to get in, increasing the overall chances they will be detected and caught.

The second ‘D’ is detect.

Ensuring that your property is well-lit and has a security system installed can ensure that criminals targeting your property will move on to softer targets.

“Good lighting, a clear line of site from your main building, and few hiding spots around your property will make detection easier,” notes the release.

The final ‘D’ is deter.

A property’s design can have a significant impact on security. Ensuring it is well-lit and valuables are concealed will go a long way toward criminals moving elsewhere.

Examples included in the release are ensuring windows and doors of outbuildings remain locked, installing security cameras and security lights, storing ATVs and vehicles in garages, with keys removed and stored separately from the vehicle, trimming trees to increase sightlines and establishing an evening routine ensuring all valuables are stored securely.

For more information CPTED, please visit