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Bashaw town council hoping for new sanding truck

Sept. 3 council briefs

The following are brief items of interest from Bashaw town council’s regular meeting on Sept. 3.

Arena ice

Ice is scheduled to be installed around the middle of September. Public Works staff will be working with town administration to develop protocols to protect staff and patrons during COVID-19.

Federal Gas Tax funding

Administration was directed to confirm with a grant advisor if federal gas tax (FGT) funding could be used to replace the town’s sanding truck. If it doesn’t qualify, administration will bring the matter back before council.

Previously, council had wanted to put the grant funding towards the upcoming lagoon project, but this wasn’t ideal, as any FGT funding used to reduce the town’s portion would also reduce the federal contribution and the town would wind up paying the same amount.

Derelict vehicles

Councillors discussed several locations around town where derelict vehicles are sitting and requested administration to complete a follow up on them.

ATCO Gas franchise fee

Town council approved the ATCO Gas franchise fee to continue at 15 per cent.

Energy contract

Council approved the continuation of the 50 per cent fixed and 50 per cent floating natural gas strategy and extending the term for both electricity and natural gas contracts to 2025.